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Okay. So this image is of me. When I was in 6th grade people started tonotice that I was weak. So they started picking on me. Saying that I was worthless, and that I was always worthless. That nobody liked me. And that's the reason why I was adopted, because my mother didn't want to care for a failure. A waste of life. So then Igot depressed. Started to isolate myself from others. I attempted suicide... I can't count how many times. I was hospitalized numerous times. I truly thought I dwas a waste of life. Then uth grade came. Rumors about how I was pregnate started. So I became Anorexic, trying to show people that I wasn't pregnate. I began to self-harm in forms of cutting, burning, smoking and even drinking. It got so far that I cut up my face. I would itch my arms to the point of bleeding. Then I met this wonderful YouTube channel called WatchGirlsPlay. No, it's not porn. It;s a gaming channel. I would watch their videos and they would make me feel a little less alone in the world. Thank you so much girls! You saved my life! That's what this photo is of. The title is "You Can't Hurt Me Anymore"
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